A slide show of pictures from the 2023 NALC Branch 17 Christmas/Retiree Party.  it was a fun evening of catching up with friends and celebrating our retirees from 2023.  Prizes were won and as usual... money goes to money! lol!!!

​Our retirees this year are

Cary "Tex" Zuckero

Cindy Lucas

Mike Kulp


Mike Kubilus

There also was a plaque given to Joe Geiger for 75 years being a union member!!!!

Best wishes, good health, and less work stress(ha!) to everyone in the upcoming year!

Remember - together we are stronger!

Hello Members

As most are aware, the tentative contract was voted down and as of February 3rd at an impasse.  An arbitrator was selected and schedule will be set for arbitration to begin.  For the latest, and most up-to-date information and talks, please check out the National site.  New info is there for anyone that wants to keep posted on contract news.

At the end of January, two representatives introduced a House resolution, H.RES. 70, that calls on Congress to protect the Postal Service.  This is meant to keep the Postal Service and an independent part of the federal government and not subject to privatization.​ A similar bipartisan legislation in expected to be introduced in the Senate soon.  Please go to the NALC website to take action!  These is a link to ask your representative to co-sponsor H.Res. 70. There is also a fact sheet that you can click on for more info!!  Please take action!  Our jobs are depending on this!

That all being said above, between the contract going to arbitration and the House, with hopefully the Senate soon, trying to keep the Postal Service intact, it is a tumultuous time for the Postal Service.  The Postmater General is planning to set down and has asked the Board of Governors to start looking for a successor.  And of course, in the flurry of executive orders delivered on a daily basis, the Postal Sevice is on the attack list.  We all need to deliver the messege  Hands Off The Postal Service!   Please go to the National site to read the NALC statement on this latest executive order. 

Don't sit back and do nothing! 

Fight to keep our jobs!

Fight to keep the Postal Service! 

Over 640,000 people work for the

United States Postal Service!

Over 51.9 billion people depend on us! 



P.S.  My dogs always try to help me while updating the site, sorry for any typos or mistakes I might have missed!lol

IF anyone is interested in getting a copy of pictures, please contact Jimmy Notarianni